Not long after I moved to Australia, I was flicking through the TV channels one Thursday evening and came across The Footy Show. 'What was all this nobjockery?' I wondered. I've always hated these types of sport-shows - all male, guffawing in a self-congratulatory manner at their own jokes, jockeying for the alpha male position, typical pack animals and often fearful of women. After watching the show for all of five minutes, I turned over, convinced it wasn't for me.
I didn't watch it again until a few weeks ago when, Big Red, home early from his Thursday night soccer game, suggested we watch it. I may have whinged a bit before finally agreeing. (Thursday night is my night, after all, and it meant missing The Amazing Race!). Sitting there, stony-faced and biting my lip, I was determined not to laugh. This was not my kind of show.
Or was it?
Because I found myself really enjoying it. Okay, the humour is often infantile, bordering on offensive, but it's also sort of...um...refreshing. Television can be oh-so tedious when everyone is politically correct.
I've been watching the show for the last few weeks, and without a doubt, it's 'star' is Sam Newman, who I had never heard of before. It is also obvious he is one of those personalities you either love or loathe (mostly he seems to be loathed). But at least he has a feckin' personality. My only problem with Newman, is that sometimes he's not funny. I will laugh at nearly anything - no matter how vulgar - if it's genuinely funny. His attitude to women is not particularly funny.
Last night's episode was quite amusing, particularly when that old dude squared up to Sam. But my favourite part was when Sam Newman kicked Gary Lyon. It reminded me of the fight scene between Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in Bridget Jones's Diary.
What a pair of girls.
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